Cyber Risk Score Framework Agreement

The Framework Agreement between DFØ (MPS) and KPMG AS for the delivery of a Cyber Risk Score Software-as-a-Service from RiscRecon by Mastercard is effective September 1, 2024.

Note that we are working on publishing the Framework Agreement in a more user friendly way and format.

Also note that we have redacted/removed a total of four -4- pages from the publicly available documents as they contain confidential information such as pricing information, cf. the Norwegian Freedom of information Act, section 13, cf. the Norwegian Public Administration Act section 13 first paragraph number 2and Section 23 (Norwegian: Offentleglova §13, jf. Forvaltningsloven § 13 første ledd nr. 2).

CRS Framework Agreement
CRS Services

Note that we have removed one -1- page from this appendix as it contains a pricing summary.

pdf 11.35 MB
CRS Charges

Note that we have removed 3 -three- pages from the attachment as it contains detailed pricing information.

pdf 68.21 KB
4_ CRS_FA_Appendix_2_Attachment_2_1_Price_matrix_(Pricing_removed).pdf
pdf 159.81 KB
CRS Governance
CRS Terms & Conditions
CRS Ethical Requirements
CRS Environmental Requirements
CRS Supplier Standard Terms & Conditions
CRS Call-off Procedure and Order Form
CRS Customers
CRS Definitions
Pricing, call-offs and further information

Contact the Supplier: (click here)

Further information: KPMG webpage for Cyber Risk Score

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Oppdatert: 30. august 2024


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